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All admissions to our school, including in-year admissions, are coordinated by Hertfordshire County Council. The link below will take you to their website.

Hertfordshire School Admissions

Nursery Admissions

Nursery admissions are managed by the school. Children will be offered a nursery place to start in the autumn term of the academic year they turn 4 (falling between 1st September to 31st August). At Codicote School  we have 30 nursery places. These are organised into  five morning sessions, providing 15 hours of free nursery education. The school works in partnership with Codicote Pre-school, to offer 30 hours, with the children attending Nursery in the mornings and then moving to the Pre-school in the afternoons for lunch and enrichment activities. 

We hold an information meeting for parents in the summer term. Children are invited to visit the nursery before they start.

The nursery session is from 8.55-11.55

Nursery settings operate their own admission process. Local authority nursery schools and classes within Hitchin form part of the Hitchin Partnership. In order to provide consistency and simplify the process for parents, the partnership has agreed a timeline for admissions and a set of over subscription criteria.

Should there be more applications than places, an agreed over subscription criteria will be followed. If an application is unsuccessful, you may request to go onto the nursery’s continuing interest list and as a space arises, the criteria will be applied again.


Autumn  2024

Hitchin local authority nurseries linked to mainstream schools will make nursery admission information available on their websites.

Wednesday 29th January 2025

Applications open via school’s websites for Hitchin maintained nursery schools and nursery classes (online applications preferred)

Friday 7th March 2025

Applications close for Hitchin maintained nursery schools and nursery classes

  Wednesday 26th  March 2025

Offers made to parents (via the same method as application was made)

 Tuesday 22nd   April 2025

Deadline for parents to accept/reject places

Please complete the application form for a place in our Nursery.  The link will be live from 29th  January, 2025. Paper copies are available form the School Office.

Nursery Application Form

NB:  The Nursery sessions are held in the morning.