Children are naturally curious; our science curriculum nurtures this by allowing them to ask questions and develop the skills they need to answer these. This is through investigating problems, learning how science works, and discovering why science and scientists matter in the world.
Early Years science is taught through exploration and investigation of the world in line with the Early Learning Goal expectations. Children’s interests are valued as vital to the planning and teaching of early science and outdoor learning is embraced as a part of this.
In Key Stage 1 and 2, the National Curriculum is followed. We encourage the children to learn actively through experimentation and enquiry, alongside the systematic teaching of the skills and knowledge specific to the subject, and the vocabulary needed to communicate understanding accurately. The school recognises its responsibility to promote science as a subject and potential career for all, to counterbalance any perceived bias.
Science is delivered through weekly lessons, with some topics blocked to enable deeper study. In addition, a science week is organised each year, which further enhances the subject, through visiting speakers and events, a focus on exciting scientific investigations and in challenges and competitions. Regular workshops are organised with Set Point and STEM ambassadors, as well as collaborative working with the Mad Science organisation. The school also has extensive links with secondary schools and visits are regularly arranged to enable children to benefit from specialist facilities and resources.
A wide and varied range of resources are available for staff use. The subject is led by an experienced coordinator who provides training and support for colleagues.
Children are excited and positive about their learning, and are active and enthusiastic in participating in lessons. They acquire a secure level of skills, knowledge and understanding, resulting in almost all children achieving age related expectations or above.
Skills Progression in Science