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Art and Design

The curriculum at Codicote School is dynamic, exciting and ambitious, designed to provide all children with the skills, knowledge, vocabulary and  understanding to create high quality art work in all media, and to develop an appreciation of the work of a range of diverse artists. 

The  curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced towards developing a breadth and range of knowledge about art and artists of the past and present days, and the opportunity to develop confidence and a high level of skill in producing observational and imagined work.  

Where appropriate, cross curricular links are used to provide contexts and reference points.

The school follows the National Curriculum for Art, covering all aspects throughout the school, including:  Drawing, Painting, 3D work,  Clay,  Collage,  Printing, Textiles, Art appreciation  and Evaluating. Art is taught through weekly lessons and events such as the whole school art days. These involve all children,  focussing on the work of one artist.

Visits to galleries, exhibitions and installations provide the opportunity for children to experience Art from first hand experience. A range of high quality resources are available to all year groups.

Staff have a high level of subject knowledge; leaders have a high level of subject knowledge and provide effective support for those teaching outside their main areas of expertise. Leaders carry out learning walks and plan CPD based on the needs of the staff and pupils; training is provided as needs are identified.

Art is valued and celebrated in the displays in the classrooms and around the school.

Learners develop detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum and, as a result achieve high standards across the curriculum.  They are confident in creating their own work and making informed comments about the work of others. They also develop a passion for Art and a confidence in learning and using skills and techniques. Coverage of different artist and media mean that children develop an understanding and overview of different media and significant artists, giving them reference points and an understanding of the context within different art forms are created.

Skills Progression in Art