- Mimram
- Lodge
- Bury
- St Giles
We have 4 houses, named after places in our community which are meaningful to the children. These are: Mimram, Lodge, Bury and St. Giles.
Two House Captains, and a Vice House Captain are elected by the children, at the start of each school year. The House Captains and Vice House Captains organise meetings and events.
All children from Reception to Year 6 belong to a house. Siblings belong to the same houses.
Children can earn points for:
- good behaviour
- kindness
- helpfulness
- working particularly
- excellent work.
The points for each class are added up each week, with the winning house announced in assembly.
Children take part in different events in their houses. These events include:
- Sports Days
- Rounders Tournaments
- Netball Tournaments
- Football Tournaments
- School Quiz
Trophies are awarded for these events.
The House Point totals are added up over the year, and the winning house is awarded The John Clements Trophy*.
* The trophy is named after a former Codicote pupil and resident, John Clements, who was awarded the George Cross posthumously, after losing his life rescuing children from a fire. He was on a school trip, as a teacher, when the tragedy occurred. We believe that he epitomised the values we promote at Codicote School.