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Modern Foreign Languages

At Codicote School, we teach a foreign language to all children in Key Stage 2 as part of the school curriculum. The current language is French. The study of languages prepares pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other activities are increasingly carried out in a range of languages. We aim to develop confidence in speaking another language, and the ability to use core words, phrases and sentences in spoken and written French, so that children have a functional level of the language, which they enjoy using, and a positive attitude toward learning languages, now and in the future.

All classes in KS2 are taught French by subject specialists. Lessons may include games, songs, oral work, role-play and active participation as well as listening and talking. Reading and written tasks are included with increasing frequency as the children advance throughout the school. All staff are encouraged to use French informally, during the day when appropriate (greetings, register, instructions, praise etc.) Where children speak an additional language, this is shared and celebrated. Children who already speak French fluently, as they have  a parent who is French, are set specific challenges and activities to provide an individualised learning approach.

Resources in use include a wide range of books and games and artefacts and the Rigolo scheme.

The subject coordinator is a languages graduate, and is confident and competent in leading the subject. Additional teaching is provided by a native French speaker. All staff have a positive attitude towards languages, many of whom speak one or more additional languages.

Children really enjoy their French lessons and are active participants. They enjoy sharing their learning with others, and have a positive attitude. Many are inspired to find out words in other languages, and express a desire to visit different countries. They demonstrate a good level of recall and the ability to use the language in simple contexts. Recorded work is of the high standard expected in all subjects.

Skills Progression in Modern Foreign Languages