Our Eco Team was started in 2007, with the aim of leading the school towards achieving a Green Flag Award for environmental sustainability. Miss Grainger is our Eco Team Leader.
The children in the Eco Team applied to join by writing a letter or drawing a picture to explain why they would like to be a member, and how they could contribute to the team. All of the applications were then considered carefully by the staff, to choose the children showing the most interest and commitment. At the end of the first year, some children chose to remain on the team; new children also joined the team.
The team drew up an action plan to work towards achieving a Green Flag. After achieving a bronze, then a silver award, we were awarded our first green flag in 2011, going onto achieve three more in 2014, 2017 and 2019.
The Eco Team meets regularly throughout each term. The members undertake a number of roles and responsibilities. These include:
- Leading assemblies to communicate our progress, ideas and actions.
- Keeping the Eco Notice board up to date
- Collecting compost bins from the classrooms
- Collecting the paper and card recycling boxes
- Looking after different areas around the school
- Producing posters and displays
- Visiting other organisations to find out about environmental sustainability
- Liaising with other schools and organisation.
Embedding sustainability in school culture & the curriculum is a focus area in our School Development Plan.