We take looking after your children, and keeping them safe, very seriously. All schools are required to follow procedures for protecting children from abuse which are established by the Hertfordshire Children’s Safeguarding Partnership. These are in line with the DFE publication: ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ which is updated annually.
Safeguarding Leads
Mrs Liz Pollard – Headteacher – is the Designated Senior Person (DSP) for child protection.
Mr Kevin Browne – Deputy Headteacher – is the deputy DSP.
Mrs Su Murley is the Governor who oversees Safeguarding.
All staff receive regular Child protection training.
Safeguarding Policies
The two key policies relating to safeguarding are:
Both follow the County model policies which have been adapted for the school. These policies are reviewed at least annually and amended accordingly.
Operation Encompass
Codicote School is involved in Operation Encompass which is a project run jointly between schools and police in Hertfordshire. This join initiative between police and schools came into force at the beginning of December 2019.
Operation Encompass is the notification to schools by the police, prior to the start of the next school day, of incidents in which children have experienced or been exposed to any domestic abuse. Witnessing domestic abuse is itself a form of abuse and so it is important that children experiencing this are supported appropriately as soon as possible.
The Designated Senior Person, or Deputy, will liaise with the police and use the information shared in confidence, whilst ensuring the school makes suitable provision for the children or their families, who have experienced domestic abuse, depending on the difficulties they have experienced. We wish to give our pupils as much support as possible and believe that this prompt reporting of domestic abuse will be in the best interests of our children.
Contacts outside school hours
If you are concerned over the welfare of a child outside of school hours or during holidays, you can contact the NSPCC on 0800 800 5000 or Hertfordshire Children’s services on 0300 123 4043. Reports may be made anonymously. The emergency services should be called on 999 for a child in immediate danger.