Through our teaching of History, we aim to inspire and motivate our children to develop a secure and detailed knowledge and understanding of historical development in the wider world and to help them understand society and their place within it, so that they develop a sense of their cultural heritage and the skills of enquiry, investigation, analysis, evaluation and presentation.
The school follows the National Curriculum; all aspects, knowledge and skills of History are taught across all year groups, covering a range of local and world history and events. Topics are usually taught in blocks, using a cross curricular approach where appropriate. The children are encouraged to ask perceptive questions and think critically about significant people, events and time periods. They are taught about various British and worldwide historical events and famous historical figures, many of which have shaped the world today to enable them to place significant times and events within a time frame.
Through the use of historical artefacts, a wide range of resources, immersive environments and visits, the children are supported in developing key research skills, a growing understanding of chronology, historical empathy and imagination, and the vocabulary and terms needed to express their understanding and knowledge.
Staff are confident and skilled in teaching History; the subject leader has a high level of subject knowledge and provides training and support to colleagues as needed.
Standards in History are high with most pupils achieving age-related expectations or greater-depth in their learning. They develop an understanding of key periods of history and chronology and are excited and motivated to learn more, making links to previous and future learning. They benefit from opportunities to link learning from other curriculum areas and independent research, enabling them to transfer this to other areas of learning. They have the technical vocabulary necessary to explain their understanding and respond with critical thinking supported by facts. Evidence shows high quality recording and presentation of understanding, a range of topics covered, cross curriculum links and differentiated work.
Skills Progression in History